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Ashtavakra Gita PDF | अष्टावक्र गीता व्याख्या सहित

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About Ashtavakra Gita

As soon as Janak’s name comes, it is often understood that he would be the same Janak who was the father of Janaki (Sita). But this is a false illusion. Sita’s father was also Janak but his name was Sirdhwaj. His period was Treta. Janak, who was the king in Dwapar, had given knowledge to Muni Shukdev. Ashtavakra is after that. Therefore, it is possible that the king who would have been known by the name Janak in the last period of Dwapar, would be the same Janak.

Siradhwaja who was the father of Sita was the son of Hasvaroma. His brother was Kushadhwaj. The kings who became after him are- Dharmadhvaj, Kritdhvaj, Mitadhwaj, Keshidhwaj, Khandikya etc. It is possible that after King Siradhwaj, the king who became famous in Mithila by the name of Janak is one of them. There is no clear mention of this anywhere in Ashtavakra Mahagita.

All the kings of Mithila were called Janak or Vaideh. It was his title in a way. There is a legend in its origin which is found in Shrimad Bhagwat Purana and other Puranas.

According to legend, Nimi was the twelfth son of King Ikshvaku. Once he selected Maharishi Vashishtha for a yagya. Vashishtha was also his family priest. But Vashishtha said that Devraj Indra has already selected him for the Parashakti Yagya. Therefore, he will first complete the Yagya of Devraj. Till then you wait.

Nimi remained silent after listening. It took Vashishtha five hundred human years to perform Indra’s Yajna, so Nimi thought what is the hope of life! So, after waiting for some time, he started the Yagya by selecting other Ritvijas. Meanwhile, Vashishtha returned after getting Indra’s Yagya done. When he saw that Nimi had started the yagya and his

He didn’t even wait, then he cursed Nimi to be an arrogant person. Nimi considered the curse against religion and she also cursed Vashishtha and said that due to greed you have disrespected religion, so you too should die.

Later, Vashishtha renounced his body and took the body from Urvashi’s womb through Mitravarun.

Here the body of King Nimi was kept safe by the Brahmins. When the Satrayag ended, the deities also appeared there. At that time the Brahmins prayed to the gods that O Gods! Do something that will make King Nimi alive.

But Nimi’s soul said that he did not want to assume a body. Then the gods said to the Brahmins that sages! King Nimi will reside in the eyes of the living beings in a subtle form and will contemplate God through the subtle body. Their existence will be known by the rise and fall of the eyelids.

Now the sages thought that anarchy would spread due to the absence of the king in the city. So he started churning Nimi’s body.

By churning the body in this way, a beautiful child was born. He was born without a body, hence called Vaideha and was born by churning, hence called Mithi or Mithil. Later he had settled Mithilapuri. Since then all the kings who ruled Mithila became famous by the name Janak or Vaideh. They

After Mitha or Mithil Janak originated from Nimi’s body, there were many kings, whose description according to Shrimad Bhagwat Purana is as follows:

Mithil Janaka to Udavasu, Udavasu to Nandivardhan, Nandivardhan to Suketu, Suketu to Devarat, Devarat to Brihadratha, Brihadratha to Mahavirya, Mahavirya to Sudhriti, Sudhriti to Dhrishtaketu, Dhrishketu to Haryashva, Haryashva to Maru, Maru to Pratipaka, Pratipaka to Kritiratha, Kritiratha From Devmidh, from Devmidh Vishrut Vishrut came from Mahadhruti, from Mahadhruti came Kritirata, from Kritirata Maharoma, from Maharoma Swarnaroma, from Swarnaroma Hrasvaroma, from Hrasvaroma Siradhwaja (who was the father of Sita). From Sirdhvaj to Kushdhvaj, from Kushdhvaj to Dharmadhvaj, from Dharmadhvaj to Kritdhvaj and Mitadhwaj.

Ashtavakra explains to King Janak in Ashtavakra Gita PDF that Janak! You were the only one in the ocean of the world, will remain so in the future as well. There is neither bondage nor salvation for you. That means you are a soul and the soul never perishes. He was there in the beginning of the creation, is there in the present also and will be there even after the creation is destroyed. There is neither bondage nor liberation of the soul. The soul is free and salvation is its very nature. You have become self-realized, that’s why you are grateful. Non-dualism has awakened in you, there is no one else for you. Therefore, move about happily wherever you want.